Saturday, October 4, 2014

client copy - import/export in sap with 'screen-prints'

In SAP, we have Three types of client copy:

  1. Local client copy Through SCCL
  2. Remote client copy  Through  SCC9
  3. Client Export and Import procedure  Through  SCC7, SCC8 
  4. (SCC8  for Client Export & SCC7 for client import)

In below case the Client export and import procedure with screen shots is presented. we have two scopes to do the work done. First is export all the client data & Second is only user master data export & import .
Now we can see  User master data copy from one client to another client.
User Master Export client before client refreshment:

Step 1: Use Tx Code SCC8 and select parameter.

Step2.Click on Start immediately (or Schedule as Background job) and continue

Step3: Click 'OK'

1.  "DR1KO02438" for transporting cross-client data, if you have selected this
2.  "DR1KT02438" for transporting client-specific data
3.  "DR1KX02438" for transporting client-specific texts, provided texts are available in this client
Step4: Go to SE01 and click on transports. If you get this message means it still going on, click on refresh to get latest information. 

Step5:Then go to Target client Check request in SE01 Transport and check the request number

Step6:Go to STMS  select request and click on Import Request  (if request in not in list then add it manually)

Step7:Select target client and click on Import 

Step8: System will ask for password and enter

Step9:Import will be done in few minutes.

Step10:Now call  Tcode  to SCC7 and click on OK

Step11:Click on Schedule as Background Job, choose background server (using F4), select Immediately

Step12:Click on Schedule Job and then on Continue 

step13:Click on OK. Check the log in SCC3

Step14:Go to SCC3 

Step15: Double click log and check details

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